In case it hasn’t dawn on you just yet, I really like guys of short stature. Mostly those guys under 5’8” (or Pocket Hotties), or as one of these hot little guys so greatly put it in a chat a few weeks ago, “short but well proportioned.” There have been a few extremely compact guys (some close to the 5’0”) that I’ve completely gone gaga for because they are so hot & cute. Keep in mind they are ways well proportionate. No offense to the “little people” of the world. Just compact versions that I enjoy better, and I know there are “shorty lovers” out there who feel the same way. I want to feature these guys because too often these guys are over looked in our society because they don’t measure up (no punt intended) to the social norms.
For this week’s City Spotlight On The (Pocket) Hottie we have someone I wrote about yesterday new comer Alex Di Dio, who brilliantly played Simon in BearCity. The 23 year old actor is a HOT 5’8”…WOOF! He’s just starting but I’m already a BIG FAN. As he states on his FB FanPage “Alex Di Dio is an up and coming actor from Long Island, NY. He will be kicking ass and taking names very shortly.” Since there is not much out there about him at the moment it’s hard to add a lot of image but I have found a few videos where he looks cute to boot.
Alex Di Dio Playing - Full (lyrics by Steven Rosar)
Alex Di Dio Playing - We Used To Vacation
Alex Di Dio Playing - Skinny Love
Alex Di Dio Playing - Fuck You
Alex Di Dio Playing - Poor Little Rich Boy
Alex Di Dio Playing - So He Won't Break by the Black Keys
From Alex’s Facebook Fan Page
From Alex's MySpace Page
Seriously is there a doubt this kid is a HOTTIE??
This one from, I love Alex smile in this one (and Matthew Rettenmund is a cutie too)
DVD release party at the Eagle in NYC: Alex DiDio (with Blake Evan Sherman & Brian Keane)

Alex Di Dio looks so cute in this sceen shoot from BearCity from RottenTomatoes.

This final image is from farmboyz's photostream on flickr (click this link to see it) and this one is a TWO-FER, because it also features tomorrow’s Hottie Gerald McCulluch also from BearCity.