Saturday, January 01, 2011

I’M BACK!...and have a lot to say. (aka Entry 1 of 365)

WOW! Three years and this BLOG has just been dead/boring (zzzzz)! In 2010 there wasn’t even a single entry because I’d been over thinking the concept, topics and what this whole thing should be about way too much because it’s how I present myself to the world. In an age where people just put themselves (along with all their business) out there of the whole world to read/see them without ever really thinking about the fact that in the future they might not exactly find it was such a great idea ( But for some reason I’m starting to feel a little more optimistic about my chances of writing here. It’s all going to be just about writing & creativity for me this NEW YEAR 2011.

The topics will just jump around as I’ve made it a goal to make an entry everyday about something related to, well, “living in the city” with a focus on being/coming from the point of view of a Bear/Chub. Topics will just be about random shit that happens, is going on, just pain sucks, is the best thing, and much more “…in the city.” Some days I’ll write a review of a place in the city I’m in, spotlight some site of interest about urban dwelling, praise/worship or rant/rave about something, someone or someplace. Bottom line… ANYTHING is game this year as long as I can get some words out there because I’ve not been journaling as much as I’d like/need and too often have much to get off my chest but without a place to put it all.

The last few weeks all that I’ve been thinking about are creative projects/ideas that need my attention, and I’m sure some days I’ll just feature them here for you guys to enjoy/hate. What I need the most is some feedback as to what is working and what is just plain not working for you guys. There was very little feedback during my previous attempts at writing and the interest just faded away. Now that I’m not afraid about touching upon more topics then maybe I’ll be able to get more written. I’ve even planned for those days I’ll be under the weather or have too much to do. It’s going to be difficult but I’m going to stick to it this time. One entry about “…in the city” everyday for the next 364 days… I’m letting this one count as my first entry.

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